Thursday, February 13, 2014

Red Clay heart

Playing with clay is both interesting and relaxing. I say playing, since even work feels like play with clay.. :)).

I used air dry clay for this, since that is the most easily available type of clay here and I do not have a separate oven to bake polymer clay.  

 After millions of video lessons I self taught myself to mold this with the pinching technique. This is a very simple technique and one of the first lessons in clay. Pinch pots are simple and literally anyone could make it. 

Since this was white air dry clay, I could paint it with acrylic paints after the piece dried completely. I also sanded and polished the piece before I painted it. To finally seal the piece I used an acrylic sealant.

The clay heart can be used in many ways, as a home decor, a jewellery holder or a ring holder. 

If you wish to have one, you can buy in my etsy shop: 

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